Thursday, March 15, 2012

Respect, They Have None

The anger this picture stirs within me cannot be expressed in words worth writing here. I struggle to control my anger in the face of such utter contempt and disrespect for our nations flag. Have they no respect at all?

How dare they elevate one man to the level of honor that Old Glory has earned. She didn't get her respect automatically, she has earned it by the sweat of the common man who poured his soul into his work, and by the blood of patriots, men and women, all to often young enough to still be called boys and girls, who died, or were horribly maimed defending the freedom the American Flag stands for.

It is the people behind the Flag that earn the respect that makes men remove their hats, and soldiers proudly salute when the Colors pass bye. It isn't the lack of respect for the flag from which the problem stems, it's a lack of respect for the people who worked and fought for the respect that is represented by the flag.

Setting a persona onto a flag is a representation of tyrannical rule. The flag of our nation stands for the people who have helped to make it great. We salute and honor the flag because of those people, not because of the fabric of the flag or the federal government, nor the president. We love our country because our country is all the people we love, and the principals we aspire to. Setting a persona, a portrait of any one on the flag is to set that person up above the people and the principles that made this nation great.

The President is an elected official, he serves us, and no servant is greater than the master. Yet these people, with this flag, are setting Obama above us all, and above all our principals. This is disrespect of the most egregious kind.

They despise us, they despise our constitution, they despise all that makes us who we are, and this, this defamation is beyond belief. Don't think for a moment this is a mistake or an ill conceived publicity stunt. No, this is intentional, this is their intent! They want this, and Obama wants this. He has already been acting as a dictator using executive orders to go around congress and congress hasn't stopped him. He continues to say he will go around congress as much as he can whenever they don't do what he wants.

These people have the right to their free speech, and the right to disrespect us all they want, but don't be blind to what is really going on. Tyranny is working it's way into our land at an alarming rate. Public displays such as these are only symptoms of an underlying problem.

Pray for the country, never stop praying for our country!

God Bless America!