Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I'm not sure if thuggery is a word, but Chicago thuggery is the only thing I can think of that accurately describes the Presidents actions concerning the Supreme Court. By now I'm sure you've heard Obama's attempt to influence the SCOTUS decision on his Affordable Healthcare Act, and it makes me sick to hear this from our Fearless Leader.

The Court should ONLY take into account the Constitutionality, that is the Legality, of Obamacare. Nothing else should be considered. I do mean NOTHING. No one's opinion, wish or desire matters. No one's hopes and dreams matter here. No false appeals to sympathy matter here. The ONLY thing that should matter to each and every member of the Court is whether or not Obamacare is legal.

Already we have 3, maybe 4 people on that Court who hate the Constitution and want to rewrite, or at least re-interpret it. We have at least one justice, Justice Kagan, who should have recused herself but didn't. She was Solicitor General for Obama, and helped write the defense of Obamacare before being appointed to the Court! I believe her actions in not recusing herself warrant impeachment. But then I shouldn't be surprised by her lack of action. She was appointed by Obama, and his administration has shown absolutely no moral fiber.

Even with a stacked deck Obama is nervous. He's acting like a 4 year old: impatiently speaking down to people he should be holding in silent respect. I call this thuggery because he is not a 4 year old child, he is the President. No I don't think he is threatening the well being of any one on the Court, that's absurd. What Obama is getting at is letting the justices know that if they don't rule in his favor he will make them out to be the bad guys. And unlike him, they won't have a podium to rebut the public slighting that would ensue. That's political thuggery right there.

Think about it for a minute. You are a public figure as a Supreme Court Justice, but your not in the spot light very often. You also don't have press releases, or media statements. Now you have the President of the United States threatening to tell the whole country you made a bad decision. Think of that.

These Justices are supposed to be free from political pressure, hence the lifetime appointment. Hence the lack of elections. The President has stepped way out of line on this. It shouldn't' be a surprise though. He insulted them to their faces before when they didn't rule the way he would have liked in Citizen United. If Obama had the even an iota of respect for the Country, the Constitution, and the Justices, he would keep his mouth shut. You just don't do what he is doing in a polite society. But then since when has the Liberal Left been polite?

Obama's actions are despicable, once again. It's not the first time and I wager it isn't the last. I hope there is backlash on this from every angle. No the Liberal Media will only defend him. But I hope and pray that this power grab is reigned in by the people of this still just-barely-great nation.

God Bless America, and God Save America!